Get Twisted For Healthy Hormones

When you hear the word hormones, the first thoughts that might come to your head are women’s problems or virility in men. In actuality, hormones are essential to the function of our every day life, this includes the functions of: digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood control.  The endocrine system is made up of all the body’s different hormones and regulate all biological processes in the body.

Balancing Your Endocrine System

I enjoy twisting and stretching to open up the energetic pathways in my body. For example, the twisting and bending in yoga invigorate the adrenals and thyroid gland. Yoga is very beneficial for the endocrine system and hormonal health. As you move, your body signals the brain, nervous system and endocrine system to all work together.

“Hormones are extremely powerful actors in the body, so when any of them are out of balance, they can impact a very big range of systems and processes in the body.” – Yoga U

Hormonal imbalances can be caused by lifestyle factors, including unmanaged stress, poor diet and environmental stressors. For instance, if we eat a high sugar diet, our pancreas can be overworked trying to offset all that sugar intake. If we take in environmental toxins through food, cosmetics, water, or the air we breathe, our hormonal system can be impacted by the endocrine disruptors in these toxins.

For some of us who have sedentary lifestyles, organs and glands can get stagnant when there’s no blood flow; our lymphatic system can’t move the toxins out of our bodies. 

Turkish Twist

How can Yoga Help

With yoga, we can revitalize our glands and organs. “As we twist, we are wringing out those organs and glands that are being affected by the twist. When you come out of the twist, you get a great fresh blood supply into that organ or gland, bringing new energy and blood flow into that area.”

Twisted Lunge

Pro Tip

In Twisted Lunge be sure your front knee is over the ankle and your hands are pressing towards your heart center. The muscles of the back leg are firm and strong and the shoulders are stacked.

Are you ready to get twisted?

Best in health, Linda

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death. – Proverbs 14:27 

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