Spring Treasures at Malibu Creek State Park

We were off on a cool spring day to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and nature.

Brilliant Heartleaf keckiella and Matilija poppies adorned the trail.

We entered the park from Mulholland Highway in Agoura Hills and took the Yearling trail.

Wild Verbena was scattered along the path.

How interesting! Wild roses. It was our first time seeing those.

Vetch is a non-native wildflower.

Winecup or Purple clarkia (Clarkia purpurea) was a wonderful find!

Hidden in the weeds, I spotted the tiny and rare American Birds-foot Trefoil wildflower; so small, the size of a petite pea. I was very excited about the discovery!

Clarkia anomena, Farewell to spring.

We came to a cross road and we took the trail toward Crags Road.

We got some relief from the sun as we traversed down the treelined trail.

Fiesta flowers.

Hiding under the trees were these gorgeous Clarkia elegans.

It’s hard to believe such beautiful and abundant flowers grow unattended by man.

Phacelia, could be caterpillar Phacelia.

So pretty, Foothill or Bunchleaf penstemon (Penstemon heterophyllus). We followed the sign to the Century Lake Dam.

At Century Lake, a chorus song birds filled the air with their melodies.

The lake shoreline was fringed lavishly with delightful Canyon sunflowers.

Looking out into the Santa Monica mountains.

Purple nightshade or Blue witch wildflower.

My sister Maria and I, made our way up the mountain taking the Lookout trail.

Gumweed wildflowers. Getting back up the trail was tiring but the wildflowers entertained us along the way and gave us an excuse to rest.

The day was priceless. I am so grateful for these State Parks and natural wonders.

~ Linda